[楽譜] 《吹奏楽譜》アンド・メイ・ウィ・オール(And May We All) スウェアリンジェン(Swea...【送料無料】(And May We All)《輸入楽譜》
商品説明 ジャンル:オリジナル(輸入)出版社:Barnhouse弊社に在庫がない場合の取り寄せ発送目安:8日〜31日作曲者:James Swearingen/ジェイムズ・スウェアリンジェングレード:3.5編成:吹奏楽演奏時間:4分40秒解説:This beautiful composition was commissioned to provide purpose, direction, and comfort for two individual High School Band programs from the same district during the years 2020 2021. Virtual learning was established and weekly meetings took place between conductors, students, and composer to collaborate on how the piece would be created. Later, the finished product was premiered individually by both ensembles and a large contingent of family, friends, and school officials were able to share in the positive experience of hearing the music performed in a live setting. Very emotional! 商品カテゴリ ロケットミュージック !店 楽譜 本、雑誌、コミック楽譜、音楽書楽譜(その他)全般 販売期間 2015/5/16 13:00 〜 2024/8/31 15:00 JANコード/ISBNコード 4571453890617 商品コード UN1404